Lig & Ceptor"It's Better, Evolved"

CBD and nutraceutical startups seem to be a dime-a-dozen these days. With so much competition in the CBD and direct-to-consumer nutraceutical space, having a strong brand foundation from the get-go is a must. Lig & Ceptor is a nutraceutical and CBD startup founded by physicians with deep roots in the medical cannabis industry. They came to us because they needed the kind of strong brand positioning and messaging that would help differentiate them in a crowded (and growing more crowded by the day) industry.

Lig & Ceptor already had a name (from “ligand” and “receptor” – biochemistry vocab that we became really familiar with) and a pretty cool logo. But what they were missing was a solid brand position and a compelling story about why their products were better than competition. We took them through our proprietary brand strategy process which led to their founding mission, vision, and core values along with a solid brand positioning and messaging strategy, a brand narrative, brand design standards, and product naming. Their story goes beyond what the product can do for you, and is more about the founders’ desire to evolve medicine and help people feel better so they can make the world a better place.